
ZARAMIA AVA Featured in Babystep Magazine


We have been Featured in Babystep Magazine

Read the article here!


‘ The Leeds-based eco fashion brand leading the way for equality.

As issues surrounding sustainability, gender equality and inclusivity are more often than

ever becoming topics of conversation, the fashion industry in particular faces new

expectations to meet.

A fashion brand producing collections that address all three of these matters is Leeds-based

ZaraMia Ava, introducing waste-free and genderless ranges, alongside catering for those

with invisible disabilities. Zara-Mia, the founder of the brand and Leeds Arts University

alumnus, prides herself on its inclusivity, stating that there are no ‘labels’ when it comes to

the clothing.

Items are made to order, using materials such as bamboo and organic cotton, meaning that

once they’re gone, they’re gone, unlike the common unsustainable fast-fashion approaches

popular today that encourage increase in land waste. The brand’s logo itself, being an

octagon, represents regeneration and infinity, symbolising its mission for sustainable

fashion practice.

The niche market of catering for those with disabilities is rarely seen within fashion,

however ZaraMia Ava are aiming to change this, designing items with soft fabrics and

external labels that can be worn by those with sensory issues, as well as their use of organic

materials meaning those with skin allergies don’t experience sensitivity.

Last year, Abbey House Museum in Leeds hosted their ‘He She They?’ exhibition,

showcasing the evolution of genderless clothing through time. ZaraMia Ava contributed as

the contemporary designer for the event, showcasing miniature versions of their genderless


The overall aim of the brand is to inspire people to make better choices when it comes to

fashion, encouraging a sustainable conscience, whilst also promoting freedom and

versatility within clothing.

Shop the label here:


ZARAMIA AVA Featured on Living Lightly in Ireland


We have been Featured on Living Lightly in Ireland

Read the article here

Zaramia Ava are against fast fashion and state that all of their garments are designed to be timeless, most of them lined to increase durability. They are season-less made to be worn any time of year, produced with quality, and made to last. They also try to minimise waste at every opportunity and most of their garments are handmade to order in the UK, unless stated otherwise. They use end-of-roll fabrics and organic fabric and pattern cutting and fabric cutting is done to eliminate the amount of waste. They also recycle what they use including all fabric-off cuts, samples, pattern paper, card etc ‘


ZARAMIA AVA Featured in the Yorkshire Voice


We have been Featured in the Yorkshire Voice.
Read the article here

ZaraMia, owner of ZaraMia Ava – a zero-waste exclusive independent label – said: “Quite a lot of fast fashion brands are greenwashing, saying they are ethical and sustainable but are lying just to follow the growing trend. They need to have transparency and credibility.

“More and more brands are understanding the importance of sustainability and consumers are becoming more aware. It’s all about education and for people to see the benefits.”

Another way to take part in shopping for clothes sustainably is by heading to a charity shop, or attending a local Kilo Sale – a preloved sale, bought by the kilo.

ZaraMai said that this is one way of being ethical as it helps the circular economy, and prevents huge amounts of garments from going to landfill.
