How to do Sustainable Christmas Decorations



As the festive season approaches, it's the perfect time to deck the halls with joy and sustainable Christmas decorations. In a world increasingly aware of environmental impact, incorporating eco-friendly choices into our holiday traditions is a wonderful way to celebrate responsibly. From handmade ornaments to nature-inspired wreaths, let's explore creative and sustainable ways to adorn our homes this Christmas.

Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash

Heart-warming traditions:

Reusing things is one of the cornerstones of sustainable living and Christmas is no different. Old decorations carry memories of previous Christmases so why not start a tradition?  If you have kids, get them to give favourite decorations names so that they are like old friends coming out every year. Wrap and store them carefully in a dry place and they will last and last.

Photo by Dan Kiefer on Unsplash

Nature's Bounty:

Start by drawing inspiration from the beauty of nature. Collect fallen pinecones, twigs, and leaves to create charming ornaments. Pinecone ornaments can be easily transformed into adorable reindeer or snowmen with a bit of paint and imagination. These decorations not only look stunning but also serve as a reminder of the importance of preserving the environment.

Upcycled Elegance:

Give new life to old items by upcycling them into unique decorations. Repurpose glass jars into candle holders, transforming them into cozy and eco-friendly lighting options. Old newspapers or magazines can be fashioned into paper chains or origami ornaments, adding a personal touch to your Christmas tree.

Photo by Nong on Unsplash

These beautiful votives are a quick and easy make that will bring warmth and atmosphere to a room.

Christmas candles (floating votives)

Who would believe these gorgeous snowflake ornaments are made from loo rolls holders!

Snowflake ornaments (loo roll)

Fabric Finesse:

Consider using fabric remnants or old clothing to craft festive decorations. Create colourful fabric garlands or sew your own reusable fabric gift wraps. Not only does this reduce waste, but it also adds a warm and personal touch to your holiday decor.

Try these fabric origami star decorations made by folding and weaving strips of scrap fabric

Lighting the Green Way:

Opt for energy-efficient LED lights to illuminate your home during the festive season. These lights consume significantly less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs, saving both electricity and money. Make the switch to solar-powered outdoor lights for an even more sustainable sparkle.

Edible Decor Delights:

Combine sustainability with a delicious twist by incorporating edible decorations into your Christmas theme. String popcorn or cranberries to create timeless garlands. Gingerbread cookies can double as tree ornaments, adding a delightful aroma to your festive space.

These spice biscuits from Nigella are a classic.

Living Decor:

Consider using potted plants or small evergreen trees as part of your Christmas decor. These living elements not only enhance the festive atmosphere but can be replanted or enjoyed throughout the year. Miniature poinsettias, rosemary bushes, or even small succulents make for wonderful eco-friendly choices.

Eco-friendly shop finds

If DIY decorations aren’t your jam, there’s a growing range of new sustainable decorations to choose from. To limit your consumption, choose carefully decorations that will last and that you’ll want to get out year after year.

Secondhand has to be the greenest option: charity shops are a great source of glittering treasures.

There are many retailers who offer sustainable ornaments. Here are a few of our favourites:
Recycled sari wreath

Tea light holders

Hand made baubles

RSPB ethical and eco-friendly decorations including this low energy efficient Led deer.

Community Crafting:

Gather friends and family for a festive crafting day. Create a sense of community by making decorations together, sharing ideas, and enjoying the process of crafting sustainable holiday decor. This not only reduces the environmental impact but also adds a special touch to your celebrations.

These mini wreaths are perfect little projects for a social festive crafting afternoon. There is plenty of scope to add your own creative touches.

DIY Mini Wreath Ornaments Tutorial | Love Create Celebrate (

Or set up a fun production line to make some really special crackers. Personalise them with jokes, wishes or blessings that mean something to your family and friends.

This Christmas, let's embrace the beauty of sustainable decorations that reflect our commitment to caring for the planet. From repurposed materials to nature-inspired creations, the possibilities are endless when it comes to crafting an eco-friendly and elegant holiday atmosphere. By making mindful choices, we can enjoy the festive season while leaving a positive impact on the environment for generations to come.